DON'T BE A DICK, PETE: OUT NOWAt long, long last, I'm very pleased to report that my book is available to buy, both online and in shops. Three of them are for sale in...
SIBLING ORDER FEATUREI've also written a piece for this month's Marie Claire, about all the ways that birth order can influence sibling relationships. Still...
PETE INTERVIEWS METhis seemed like a good idea at the time. The Telegraph got in touch with Pete to see if he wanted to interview me about the book. IT DID...
The Pool pieceI wrote a quick piece for The Pool about Don't Be A Dick, Pete. Specifically, it's about what an unending nightmare it is to introduce my...
GUARDIAN EXTRACTOn Saturday, The Guardian ran an extract of Don't Be A Dick, Pete in its Weekend magazine. It's about three or four chapters banged into...